The Difference Between Policy and Procedure Documents Explained

The Difference Between Policy and Procedure Documents Explained

Updated on December 13th, 2023 by Dean McPherson

Policy and procedure documents are the roadmaps and rulebooks of any organization, guiding teams to compliance and efficiency. But what makes them distinct, and how can you leverage each to the benefit of your company? We'll dive deep into the definitions, differences, and applications of policies and procedures.

What Are Policy Documents?

Policy documents serve as the backbone of any organized entity, establishing the standards and guiding principles that support a company's culture, legal adherence, and operational consistency. They embody the "what" and "why" of an organization, setting clear expectations on conduct, ethics, and responsibilities. Typically, these documents are crafted in a formal tone and follow a hierarchical structure, presenting a vision that aligns with the company's core values and long-term goals.

In a typical policy document, you might encounter components such as a statement of purpose, scope of applicability, terms and definitions specific to the policy, responsibilities divided by role, and the procedures or guidelines for enforcement and exceptions. The policy universe is vast and can encompass various themes like employment practices, data protection, customer service, and health and safety protocols. These documents are crucial for setting the tone of an organization's internal and external interactions and for providing a clear framework for decision-making and accountability.

Understanding Procedure Documents

Procedure documents are integral building blocks within any organization, acting as the detailed playbooks that employees follow to execute tasks effectively and consistently. Unlike their policy document counterparts, which lay out the overall guidelines and company standards, procedure documents drill down into the specifics of "how" to accomplish those standards. They provide a step-by-step blueprint for actions and decisions across various situations, ensuring there's no ambiguity in operational execution.

The importance of procedures documents manifests in their role as a vehicle for knowledge transfer and consistency. For new employees, they serve as a guiding light to understand and adopt the practical aspects of their roles quickly. For the longstanding team members, procedure documents offer a refresher on rarely performed tasks, preventing any potential drop in service quality due to memory lapses or staff turnover. By documenting the exact process steps, a company safeguards its operational know-how, upholds compliance with regulatory standards, and creates a baseline for training and performance assessment.

Examples of procedure documents that might be found in an organization include instructional guides for software use, checklists for safety inspections, or step-by-step workflows for customer service responses. These documents not only support accountability but also empower employees with the autonomy to resolve issues and perform tasks without constant supervision. As such, the clarity, accessibility, and accuracy of procedure documents are paramount—as is the ease with which they can be updated to reflect changes in tools, regulations, or company policy.

Policies vs Procedures: A Comparison

While policy and procedure documents both serve as key components within an organizational framework, they differ significantly in both function and scope. Policy documents are the compass of a company, setting the strategic direction and establishing the overarching principles under which the organization operates. They articulate the "what" and "why" by delineating the company's values, philosophies, and compliance requirements. Policies provide the framework for decision making, ensuring consistency and guiding employees toward the company’s strategic objectives.

In contrast, procedure documents are the instruction manuals that describe the "how." These documents break down the processes into detailed steps, providing a clear guide for employees on how to perform specific tasks or handle particular scenarios. Procedure documents are more operational and focused, offering step-by-step instructions aimed at ensuring completeness, accuracy, and compliance in daily operations. They minimize ambiguity by removing guesswork, thus enabling consistent delivery of products or services.

Understanding the distinct roles of policy and procedure documents is critical for any business. Policies set the stage; they are broad and can often apply company-wide. Procedures are the actors on this stage, each playing a specific role to bring the director's vision—embodied in policies—to life. Both elements are essential: policies without procedures are just ideals without a clear path to realization, while procedures without policies can lead to a lack of understanding of the broader goals and motivations behind actions. Together, they provide a comprehensive governance structure that can aid in navigating complex business environments and aligning day-to-day activities with the company's mission and values.

The Interplay Between Policies and Procedures

Understanding the delicate balance between policies and procedures is like mastering the art of a well-orchestrated dance. While policies set the tone and tempo, procedures are the steps that guide the flow of day-to-day operations. Imagine policies as the music to which an organization moves; it inspires and sets boundaries for the performance. On the other hand, procedures are the choreographed movements—the actual steps dancers take to create a captivating performance.

For a workplace to operate smoothly, one must integrate policies and procedures seamlessly, much like a dance routine where music and movement are in perfect harmony. Take, for example, a company's internet usage policy. The policy might outline acceptable online behaviors, emphasising the importance of respecting intellectual property and avoiding cyber threats. To complement this, the procedure documentation would detail the specific steps employees must follow when setting up passwords, installing security software, or reporting suspicious activity. The policy provides the why, setting the standard for behavior, while the procedure provides the how, giving employees a clear and actionable path to follow.

To integrate policies and procedures effectively, an organization should aim for these documents to be accessible and interlinked. When an employee reads a policy, it should be easy for them to find the corresponding procedures that show them how to act on that policy. Cross-referencing these documents not only ensures coherence but also simplifies the process of training and compliance. By doing so, it's less about employees needing to memorize the steps and more about understanding the underlying principles so that even in the absence of a specific procedure, they can make decisions that align with the company's values and goals.

Best Practices for Creating Policy and Procedure Documents

When it comes to the foundational documents of any business – the policies and procedures – clarity, conciseness, and accessibility are key. Crafting effective policy and procedure documents is a balancing act that involves being thorough enough to cover all necessary points while simple enough that employees can understand and implement the guidelines in their daily work.

Starting with fundamentals, the language of policy and procedure documents should avoid technical jargon unless absolutely necessary, and when used, should be clearly defined. This ensures that new hires or non-specialist team members can grasp the material without additional explanations. Structure is equally pivotal; policies should outline the 'what' and the 'why,' setting the tone and expectations for conduct within the organization. Procedures, on the other hand, should focus on the 'how,' providing clear steps to achieve desired outcomes.

Regularly reviewing and updating these documents is pivotal as nothing remains static in the business world. Procedures might evolve due to the adoption of new technologies, or policies may require revisions to stay in line with updated laws and regulations. Establishing a routine review cycle will prevent the documentation from becoming outdated, and it serves as a perfect opportunity to engage with different departments to ensure that the information is both relevant and correct.

Creating and maintaining these documents might seem daunting, but the process is an investment in the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational operations. An accurate and easy-to-navigate documentation system not only propels productivity but also fosters a culture of transparency and trust within the workplace.

How Dubble is Revolutionizing Documentation

In the fast-paced business world, documentation is the backbone of clarity and continuity. Yet, it's a task often met with groans. Manuals become outdated almost as soon as they're printed, and keeping procedures up to speed feels like an uphill battle. Enter Dubble, the game-changer in the world of documentation.

Dubble's innovative Chrome Extension is like having a personal scribe in your browser. As you navigate through tasks and workflows, Dubble watches and translates every click, keystroke, and action into clear, comprehensive step-by-step guides. The magic happens at the press of a button—just press record. As you work your way through a process, Dubble works right alongside you. By the time you're done, so is your documentation, shaped into tutorials, videos, and screenshots ready to share.

But Dubble understands that business processes are living entities—they evolve. That's why it makes edits a breeze. You can update descriptions, enhance markup, and swap screenshots all within seconds. No more slogging through pages of text to update a single step; Dubble lets you adjust the flow as effortlessly as the stream of your business changes. This ease of maintenance ensures your documents remain as dynamic and agile as your operations require.

Sharing knowledge should be simple, and Dubble gets it. Whether it's bringing a new team member up to speed or showing a customer how to utilize a feature, your Dubbles are shareable at the click of a button. Distribute your freshly minted guides across the team, to clients, or integrate them seamlessly into your company's knowledge base. And because Dubble supports rich content, pasting your detailed guides into platforms such as Notion, Confluence, Google Docs, or Trainual is straightforward and loses none of its instructional power.

Adopting Dubble means advancing beyond the archaic mire of outdated methods. It's the future of documentation: always updated, easily edited, and shared without a second thought. Embrace a tool designed for the modern pace and say goodbye to documentation dread, because with Dubble, you'll be doing, sharing, and updating with efficiency that was once only imaginable. Discover more about how Dubble can transform your documentation process at

Real-World Applications of Dubble in Documentation

When considering the application of technology to improve business processes, Dubble emerges as a particularly transformative tool, especially in the realm of crafting and updating policy and procedure documents. Imagine the operations manager who is tasked with creating a comprehensive onboarding guide for new hires. Traditionally, this task would entail drafting lengthy documents, capturing screenshots, and painstakingly detailing every step of the process. With Dubble, however, the manager simply activates the Chrome Extension and records the onboarding procedure in real-time. As a result, a step-by-step guide comes to life effortlessly, with minimal intervention and maximum accuracy.

The appeal of Dubble isn’t limited to onboarding. Customer support teams can leverage this ingenious tool to transform customer inquiries into visual and easy-to-follow guides. Instead of engaging in lengthy back-and-forth explanations, a support agent can quickly record a guide that demonstrates the solution to a customer's issue. The guide, complete with screenshots and annotations, can then be shared with a single click, ensuring customer satisfaction while simultaneously enriching the company's knowledge base with valuable troubleshooting documentation.

Furthermore, in scenarios where software products and services need to be explained, Dubble steps in to streamline the creation of digestible guides and documentation. Product teams can utilize it to demonstrate new features, provide updates, or clarify complex functions, culminating in a library of visual aids that enhance user experience and foster product adoption. By transforming complicated processes into accessible content, Dubble not only simplifies the creation of documentation but also makes the consumption of information more engaging for the audience. Check out some example guides and witness the versatility of Dubble in action at Dubble's Example Guides.

The Ease of Keeping Documents Current with Dubble

In the ever-evolving landscape of business operations, maintaining up-to-date documentation can feel like a Herculean task. Policies and procedures are subject to change due to regulatory updates, organizational restructuring, or the introduction of new technologies. This flux means that the documents organizations rely on need frequent revisions to remain relevant—making the process of updating them a critical but time-consuming endeavor.

This is precisely where the brilliance of an intuitive tool like Dubble can shine: it's built with change in mind. Typically, revising policy or procedure documents involves a tedious process of coordination, drafting, approvals, and distribution. However, with Dubble, updates are just a matter of revisiting the steps that have changed. A simple re-record can seamlessly integrate new procedures into existing guides, eliminating the need to start from scratch or sift through pages of documentation to locate and edit specific segments. This dynamic approach to document maintenance ensures that your team always has access to the latest instructions, without the daunting task of overhauling entire manuals on a regular basis.

Dubble's ease of updating documents becomes an indispensable advantage, especially when coupled with its accessibility features. Important changes can be shared instantly across teams, with the updated information just a click away for anyone who needs it. This keeps everyone on the same page—even if the "page" is a digital, interactive guide—and allows for real-time adaptation to new methods or policies. The ability for all relevant personnel to have immediate access to the most current procedures not only streamlines operations but also fortifies an organization's commitment to compliance and best practices.

Navigating Documentation with Clarity and Ease

Understanding the key differences between policy and procedure documents is more than an academic exercise—it's crucial for the efficiency and compliance of any organization. Policies set the tone and establish the fundamental principles that govern an organization's culture and expectations. Procedures, on the other hand, are the actionable steps that employees follow to achieve those expectations reliably and consistently. While each serves its own distinct function, together they form the backbone of a company's operational framework.

Given the importance of these documents, it is imperative that they are clear, accessible, and kept current. Best practices suggest involving stakeholders in the creation process, making language as simple as possible, and ensuring all documents are easily accessible to staff members. Regular reviews should be scheduled to keep these documents up to date with the latest regulations and internal changes. However, this needn't be a daunting task. For instance, although not discussed in-depth here, tools like the Dubble Chrome Extension can aid in streamlining the documentation process, especially when updates are needed due to changes in procedures.

In conclusion, policy and procedure documents are more than just paperwork; they are integral pieces of a company's success puzzle. By distinguishing between the two, employing best practices in their creation, and utilizing innovative tools, organizations can navigate documentation with clarity and ease. The aim is to foster a culture of transparency and efficiency that not only meets compliance standards but also empowers employees to deliver their best work. For those keen to enhance their documentation process, exploring options like Dubble could be a pragmatic next step.

Last updated on December 13th, 2023 by Dean McPherson

Documentation done while you work

Dubble watches how you work and translates your actions into written step-by-step guides, videos and screenshots - so you don’t have to.

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