Documentation done while you work

Dubble watches how you work and translates your actions into written step-by-step guides, videos and screenshots - so you don’t have to.

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Writing and maintaining good documentation is slow, boring, and hard, so often it doesn't get done.

Dubble makes writing and maintaining documentation easy.

How's it work?

Just press record

Dubble creates instant step-by-step guides, tutorials, and onboarding resources for your processes. You press record and do your thing, as soon as you're done the docs are ready to go.

Make edits fast

In seconds you can edit descriptions, markup, redact and edit screenshots - or pick completely new screenshots from existing screencasts.

Made to be shared

Share with a single click, or invite your team to edit and record guides together.

Magically copy and paste your guides to wherever your knowledge lives - whether that's Notion, Confluence, Google Docs, Trainual... Anywhere that supports rich content or markdown works for Dubble.

Processes change, docs do too

Have your docs gone out of date? Go back any time and record new steps, or pull screenshots from old recordings.

No more double-handling, Dubble will handle it 🤓.

Better than (just) video ▶️

Don't scrub through 25min of a screencast because you forgot what the boss said. Dubble writes clear step-by-step instructions with screenshots to make referring back a breeze - and you can keep your video too.

Who's it for?

Dubble is for anyone who wants to take the pain out of creating and keeping process documentation up to date.

Great for support, operations and product teams who want to standardize, scale and maintain their best practices without the headache.

  • Employee onboarding documentation
  • Internal procedures
  • Customer support
  • Software product guides and documentation
  • How to's, guides, tutorials
  • Fast screen recordings & screenshots

Write less, do more.

Did we mention it's free?

Add to Chrome (oh, and it's freeeee)